Editor's review
Wallpapers at time can act as mood enhancers and can alleviate the complete mindset of a person, no matter how stressful he or she is. It depends on where the taste of the viewer lies. Few people love scenic beauties, few love animals and similarly many others. Another thing about wallpapers is that no doubt how mesmerizing a wallpaper could be, after a certain span of time the same wallpaper looses its appeal. So imagine how cool would it be to view all the collection of wallpapers you have as a stock come and go from your desktop and keeps on refreshing your mood. And for that to happen you need to grab hold of Automatic Wallpaper Changer Plus 1.1.
From the name itself Automatic Wallpaper Changer Plus 1.1 speaks of itself, as a utility that is capable of changing your wallpaper automatically. What you need to do is just add your favourite images in the application and click the tab - Apply to see all the images change from time to time. You also can insert a complete folder in it that may consist of countless wallpapers. The Random tab will enable the application to bring in the changes in random order. Time frame of the changes to occur shifts from as small as 3 minutes to a complete day. In fact the tool can act as a calendar too where it can bring new wallpapers with new dates and pictures day after day. Some of the image formats that include BMP, GIF, JPG etc. are compatible with this solution so you can use any kind of image format as a wallpaper.
Put in your family photos, or scores of images and rejoice a great image transformation in your screen one by one at your will with Automatic Wallpaper Changer Plus 1.1. With a score of three and half this solution goes out to appeal of all kinds of crowd who loves images.
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